Ways Technology Is Revolutionising Sustainability


Sustainability has been the buzzword for quite a while now. No matter what kind of business you’re dealing with, one of the most important goals is to boost sustainability. There are several reasons for that. To begin with, the more sustainable a business is, the better our planet is protected. Next, if you manage to improve your sustainability, you’ll manage to save money, which can easily be translated into increased profits. Finally, with clients becoming more aware of the importance of environment protection and conservation, those businesses that are recognized as ones trying to improve sustainability are becoming much more likely to attract customers. Needless to say, technology is one of the driving forces of the changes we’re witnessing and here are just some of the ways in which it is revolutionizing sustainability.

Energy storage

People have been using batteries for decades now. These vital components of many devices are becoming much more energy-efficient and people are recycling them more than ever, being aware of the potential threats batteries can cause. However, one of the changes that has revolutionised our lives is the fact that modern battery systems, which can store solar energy and use power in a much less wasteful manner.

Meat alternatives

Another trend that we can’t ignore is the fact that people are lowering their meat intake in order to reduce pollution since animal agriculture accounts for roughly 15% of human emissions. The role that technology plays is significant. For example, many food factories are focusing on producing plant-based meat substitutes, which will help transition people into a more sustainable diet without having to eat salads for every meal.

Solar panels


While no so long ago solar panels were rather expensive and inefficient, the situation has changed, mainly due to technological advancements. Solar panels are now seen as a viable option for many households or even their primary source of power. The more we rely on solar power, the less we’ll depend on energy companies.

Online shopping

Needless to say, shopping from the comfort of your home has many advantages. One of the most important ones is that it helps you lower your carbon footprint, since you don’t have to drive to a store and back. What is also noticeable is the fact that you can now go online and purchase even the most complex and specialized equipment and have it delivered. Believe it or not, you can even buy top-quality oilfield equipment online, let alone some more commonly needed items.

Indoor farming

As we all know, agriculture takes up a lot of land and we have limited space on this planet. Also, with more and more people, we need more space for homes. However, technology is helping farmers grow crops indoors, which helps reduce habitat destruction, too. With climate control technology, indoor farms nowadays produce seasonal crops all year. This is important for them, since they have a constant inflow of money and also for all of us. Namely, as the population increases, this versatility could prove crucial. People will always need food, i.e. agriculture, and with space running out, indoor farms are likely our future and perhaps the solution.

Electric vehicles


Similarly to solar panels, old electric cars used to be impractical and overpriced. Luckily, technology has completely changed that situation. Electric vehicles are now a perfectly feasible option and manufacturers such as Tesla are making their cars both more efficient and more affordable. We can expect the trend to continue and these technologies are certainly going to grow cheaper and more effective.

Recycling and repurposing

The world’s supply chains power supply and demand, as we all know. Today’s supply chain companies are recognizing the value of sourcing more sustainable and easily recyclable materials. Logically, companies that play an active role in product reclamation and recycling can help reintroduce post-consumer materials back into the supply chain and keep electronic waste out of landfills. While we’re still recycling only a small portion of our castoff electronic products, we can be optimistic. Younger generations are much more aware of the importance of recycling and they’ll probably do a much better job.

These are just some of the ways technology is helping us revolutionize whole industries at a time. The important thing is that technological development continues together with the changes in people’s attitudes and that it relies on new knowledge. The more sustainable our homes and offices are, the better off we’ll all be, which is why we have to rely on technology to help us lead better lives.

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