Tried & True Sales Lead Generation Tips For Your Online Business

Sales and marketing is an important function of business continuity. While a strong sales team is all you need to achieve the sales target, a robust sales lead generation strategy will be the backbone for business success. Whether running a small business from your home office or a large multinational, it is necessary that you invest in ways to generate new leads. To help grow your business sales figures, here are the best tried & true lead generation strategies for your business.


1. Evergreen Email Marketing


Contrary to the general belief, email marketing is still a good approach for generating qualified leads. Do you know that for every dollar spent on email campaigns you can get up to $44? With the number of active email accounts at 5.6 billion in 2019, you can count on the use of email for generating and nurturing leads.  To ensure effective reaching, you have to invest in email marketing like a pro. Here are some good practices for email marketers.

  • Understand Your Target Audience- Knowing and understanding your audience is the most basic undertaking for every business that wants to start investing in email marketing. It is important because you have to ensure relevance when sending professional email to your prospective customers.
  • Consistency Is The Key- Email users check for new emails on a regular basis. Therefore, you should not hesitate to send out emails to target customers on a regular basis. However, ensure you send emails to your subscribers to avoid being flagged as spammer.
  • Keep It Short & Sweet- To keep the attention of email users, ensure clear and concise emails. This will encourage the receivers to read the message and take action.
  • Include a Clear CTA– Your readers need to know what you expect them to do. Include a clear Call to Action with every email sent out.

    2. Be Where Your Prospects Are; Social Media

In addition to sending regular emails, regular social media posts will help to generate new leads. Therefore, get into the habit of posting on social media regularly. This keeps your social media followers engaged. In addition, posting valuable information will encourage sharing hence growing your social media following. When using social media for lead generation follow the following tips:

  • Keep Experimenting With The Social Media Strategy: Everything starts with a good plan. Remember, if you are failing to plan, you’re planning to fail. Even in social media marketing, you have to come up with a good plan. The strategy which worked for the others is not necessarily going to work for you & the strategy which worked for you last year is not necessarily going to work this year. So, keep experimenting. Fail fast, fail often!
  • Determine the best platform for social media engagements: Different social media platforms are available today. Some serve best when used for B2C campaigns while others are good for B2B campaigns. You might sell best on Facebook, but not on Instagram or vice versa. Find your turf.
  • Know Your Audience: Just as we have indicated for the email campaigns, you need to ensure that you understand your audience. This is also good for social media marketing.

    3. Good Customer Support = Great Referrals



Are you wondering how a customer support platform will guarantee you referrals? Consider that customer satisfaction is an important marketing strategy. Satisfied customers will come back with their friends. For online ventures, with a good customer support system, you will get good reviews, attracting new customers to your business. There are different approaches for ensuring you have a good customer support platform. A good example is the live chat feature on your business website. According to statistics, 73% of customers find the live chat feature to be the most satisfying approach for communicating with a business. Companies that are using live chat agents have reported an increase in sales.

Industry veteran DeskMoz offers professional 24×7 human live chat outsource services for as little as USD 199/ month.

Therefore, live chat is an effective approach for generating more leads. Businesses use the live chat feature to answer questions through new and existing online customers. Your prospects too are checking out your business website. By providing the answers to their questions, you can effectively attract them to purchase goods and services from your business. The best approach is to use the live chat system.

Improve Conversions through Callback Softwares

The most important factor for a business is the number of leads that are not just coming in but those that are being converted into a sales lead. When you continue to tap on the right leads, your chances of closing sales leads increases one step higher. But how can you tap your ideal leads?

An efficient callback software that generates quicker sales qualified leads by connecting the website visitors to the sales representatives instantly. No hassle of waiting for long hours and immediate communication taking place as and when you like it.

Callback software aims to make communication an easy breeze because when you are catering to your potential prospects at the right time, do you think that you still have chances to lose out on them?

Ensure your Business Website is SEO Optimized

Search Engine Optimization is an important tactic for business online visibility. If your business website is not appearing on Google search results, (or other leading search engines), your business is as good as a closed one. Consider that 87% of purchases today begin with an online search. To ensure that your business is listed on the Search Engine Results Pages, SEO is the best approach. The importance of SEO is that you achieve a top rank organically and so you do not have to pay to appear. SEO is also an approach for ensuring an easy customer experience. Consider that even if you paid to appear on top results, your website might present a poor experience. Thus, paid advertising does not guarantee your results if your website is not user-friendly. SEO is a better approach since it also improves customer experience. Here are some important SEO tips for your business website.

  • Invest in  keyword research
  • Use headers and subheadings on your content
  • Ensure blogs present valuable information
  • Use SEO Backlinking
  • Avoid black hat SEO

To make sure that your website is SEO-rich, talk to an expert who will advise you on the best ways to improve your website ranking organically.

Through the above lead generation tips, your business can begin getting more leads that are qualified. Remember that customer support is important in nurturing your leads upon capturing them. Therefore, invest in a good live chat feature that will optimize the customer experience.

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