How to Avoid Speed Traps and a Speeding Ticket?

For almost all traffic police officers, the motorist is a source of revenue. Most of them hide in speed traps by the road and target young and relatively inexperienced drivers.

The good news is that there also are many radar detectors on the market, so take some time to read the latest radar detector reviews.

Watch What The Other Drivers Do

The first thing that young drivers should learn so as to avoid speed traps is situational awareness. If the motorists in front of you are slowing down, do not try to overtake but rather think of the reason behind their actions.

What Is A Speed Trap?

Next, you should get to know what a speed trap is and how it works. The cops usually use a whole arsenal of gadgets to detect and record your speed – mobile and stationary radars, speed cameras, laser radars known as Lidar, hidden speed cameras, etc.

In some states, a cop has the right to stop a vehicle for speeding based solely on his personal judgment.

Lie Low

Most young drivers are eager to pimp their rides as much as they can, but the old dogs know that the best way to avoid problems with the traffic police is to keep a low profile and not attract unwanted attention to your vehicle.

Keep Quiet

Really, if you fill up the trunk of your vehicle with subwoofers that make the rear wheels jump up every time you hit the bass, you are just begging for an “unnecessary noise” ticket.

Invest in Gadgets

Buy a radar detector, this is your best insurance against speed traps. These gadgets aren’t new – the first one was invented about four decades ago.

Experts say that the best radar detectors should be able to reject false signals and be extremely sensitive to those emitted by the police radars. A high-end radar detector is capable of intercepting a speeding trap from about a mile away, giving the driver enough time to slow down.

If You Get Caught

If you are pulled over by a traffic police officer, here are some tips that can literary save your life. First and foremost, never argue with them.

If you find their tone or conduct offensive, simply write down their name and badge number. When you stop, roll down your window all the way and, if it’s dark, turn on your dome light.

Keep Calm

Do not jump out of the car, but rather wait for the police officer to approach your vehicle. Keep calm and let them explain why they have stopped you.

It does not necessarily have to do with speeding. While trying to avoid speeding tickets, you should not forget to check your tires regularly, as well as your head and tail lights and your blinkers.

No Sudden Movements

Reach for your license only after you have been asked to do so. Experienced drivers know that the proof of insurance of their vehicle should be updated regularly, along with the car registration and their driving license.

Don’t Talk Too Much

If you engage in a conversation with the officer, keep your answers to their questions short and concise and remember to keep your hands on the steering wheel all the time.

A Final Note

All of the above tips are good and helpful, but the only way to fully avoid speed traps and speeding tickets is by simply observing the speed limits strictly.

Remember that the highway is a public road, not a race track. People usually speed up when they are in a hurry, so if you allow more time for your trip, you will not need to put the pedal to the metal and risk a speeding ticket.

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