Ease Your Canine’s Uneasiness With CBD Oil – A Guide To Pet Owner

Ease Your Canine's Uneasiness With CBD Oil - A Guide To Pet Owner

Besides being mankind’s proverbial best friends, dogs are valuable “family members.” However, they experience various emotional challenges, just like other family members. For instance, canines suffer anxiety.

Fortunately, you shouldn’t worry when anxiety strikes your canines because the market has many calming solutions. CBD is one of the leading anxiety remedies dog owners are embracing. So, are you ready to join the happy “CBD for treating dog uneasiness” bandwagon? Remain with our comprehensive guide to learn more.

Understanding CBD

Before proceeding, what’s CBD in the first place? CBD stands for cannabidiol, a cannabis chemical component found abundantly in hemp (a type of cannabis) than marijuana. However, it lacks the psychoactive effect that THC (found in abundance in marijuana) has.

Dog Anxiety, Its Causes, and How CBD Oil Helps

Canines suffer anxiety, like people. For instance, a separated dog experiences separation anxiety as it tries to adapt to a new environment. Sudden environmental changes also trigger dog anxiety and fear. Some of the changes triggering canine uneasiness are:

  • Natural occurrences, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and storms;
  • New (human and non-human) family members in the home, such as newborn babies, guests, and pets.

But how do you detect canine anxiety? By looking for the symptoms. Most anxious canines may:

  • Lose appetite;
  • Whimper;
  • Tremble;
  • Become aggressive;
  • Pant;
  • Become nervous and lick their lips;
  • Urinate or defecate on the floor.

Fortunately, CBD comes in as a timely solution. Science-backed studies show that the best CBD for pets has powerful anti-anxiety effects on dogs. It works by stimulating the brain’s serotonin receptors. This stimulation temporarily blocks serotonin absorption and produces higher serotonin levels. Consequently, CBD reduces anxiety, calms the mind, and improves moods.

Other Health Benefits of CBD Oil for Pets


Different scientific studies show that besides relieving anxiety, CBD oil benefits your dog in many ways. Below are other CBD benefits your dog could enjoy.

  • Relief of mild and severe pains.
  • Help with arthritis and joint pain.
  • It relieves chronic inflammation.
  • It helps with digestion.
  • It helps relieve nausea.
  • Relief from epileptic seizures.
  • It inhibits tumor growth and other cancerous symptoms.

Easy Ways to Administer CBD Oil to Your Canines

Your canine can enjoy all the above health benefits by consuming CBD. You may administer CBD to your dog in any of the following ways.

  • Placing CBD products directly in your dog’s mouth.
  • Mixing the CBD with the canine’s favorite meal.
  • Presenting it as a treat.
  • Diluting CBD oil with water. However, be careful when using this method because it might be less effective if your pet doesn’t like drinking water frequently.

Potential Side Effects of CBD Oil on Pets

We have looked at the many health benefits your canines could enjoy using the best CBD products for pets. However, it’s safe and prudent to look at the flip side—possible side effects. So far, the research data shows that CBD oil is safe for pets if used moderately. For instance, one study that involved 30 healthy beagles revealed that excessive CBD dosage has mild effects. Some of those side effects are diarrhea and increased liver enzymes.

Additionally, Pet Poison Helpline lists other side effects of overdosing your canine. Some of them are:

  • Excess fatigue;
  • Mild drowsiness;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Sedation;
  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • Mouth dryness;

Stop administering CBD to your pet if you notice any of these symptoms, and immediately consult a veterinarian. It’s also prudent to start administering CBD in smaller doses and increase steadily.

Additionally, administer Lazarus Naturals CBD to adult and healthy canines only. Avoid giving CBD to pets with liver complications because it’s the main body organ that metabolizes it. Remember to consult a vet expert before giving CBD to puppies and kittens.

Addressing Safety Concerns


So, is CBD still safe for your canine? “Yes, it is.” First, CBD is non-toxic if you administer it moderately and safely. Just ensure that you got the right product and avoid the black market selling products with THC contamination. Second, Select the proper administration method.

Overall, pure and moderately administered CBD products are safe for canines, according to a study.

Choosing the Best CBD Oil for Your Canine                

So far, you are abreast of all CBD benefits, possible side effects, and its overall safety. Now we come to the most important stage of our journey—the choice. Here, the ball is in your court to choose the best CBD product. But how do you do it?

You shouldn’t worry about choosing from the many products the market offers. Here are our foolproof tips to guide you through the selection process.

  • The product should be organic and free from preservatives.
  • The CBD product must contain less than 0.3% THC.
  • The oil should have independent third-party testing and a certificate of analysis.
  • Check out what verified user reviews say about its efficacy and overall safety.
  • Find out its potential side effects on pets.
  • Don’t buy the cheapest product since it could contain contaminants and chemicals.
  • Check out the product’s processing to ensure that the manufacturer used the best extraction methods and processes.
  • We advise you always purchase your product in liquid form to allow for easier dosage adjustment and administration in the form of oil or tincture.

Parting Shot on CBD Oil for Pets

Anxiety is a common emotional challenge canines experience. Fortunately, the market offers many calming solutions for uneasy canines, such as CBD oil. Moreover, CBD has many health benefits that outweigh its possible side effects. We hope these insights will inspire you to try CBD oil as a viable calming solution for your canines.

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