8 Great Outdoor Activities You Can Do to Relieve Stress

Whether we like it or not, stress is an inevitable life companion. We don’t really know when it will visit us, or when it decides to stay away for a little while.

But one thing is certain, it will always come back to challenge our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Nonetheless, we shouldn’t let it consume us.

While we can’t just shake the stress off easily, there are a number of ways to relieve us from all the negative vibe it brings. Let’s make the most out of this good weather before we end up locking ourselves up in a chamber and allow stress to eat us all alive.

Here’s a list of outdoor activities that you can choose from:


It’s good to drag yourself out of your bed during the weekends when you feel like your work has drained all your energy. Let yourself breathe in some air and some change of sceneries aside from the wall filled with pinned deadlines that stare back at you when you’re in your room.

Biking can be one of the great options to help your mind veer away from all that’s causing you stress. It can be considered as your exercise for the day.

If you’re not convinced yet, did you know that doing cardio workout does wonders for our minds? According to The Anxiety and Depression Association of America, cardio can help reduce stress.

Give yourself a break and do some cycling!


If you’re a city dweller and don’t have much access to nearby mountains or hiking trails, don’t fret. Hiking is more than just about giving you a good vista of the surrounding town.

If you really want to leave the city, even just for a short while, then this is a great opportunity. Hiking will allow you to connect with nature, especially when all you need to do to get your groove back is to leave your office desk. You can also look up the best games to play on hiking trips to make the experience even more fun and really take your mind off things.

There is even one study done in the U.K. that claims walking through natural locations are considered to be another form of meditation. Since meditation can help reduce stress and improve mental health, hiking can really be of big help.

Just don’t forget to bring your trekking poles to help you get through the trail and not let the hike cause you more stress because you’re not prepared for it.

Time to shift your perspective and inhale fresh air. It may mean fresh new ideas when you go back to work!

Walking your dog

Dogs are probably the cutest creatures that ever graced the planet.

Who wouldn’t get mesmerized by their charm? Just by staring at their furry faces can brighten up a stressful day.

Walking your dog can be a good way to bond with your four-legged babies and improve your overall health at the same time. It’s a form of exercise both for you and your dog.

Studies have proven that having a dog can increase your oxytocin level, which is basically the feel-good chemical that runs in our body. If you don’t have one, there are definitely shelters in your neighborhood that needs help in walking the dogs.


Yoga should not feel like a class or a task to be done at all. For anyone who has ever tried yoga, it goes far beyond the physical aspect. It’s therapeutic as it is aerobic.

While indoor yoga is an excellent way to combat stress and other health problems, outdoor yoga can exceed what your usual routine can do to your overall well-being.

Since the weather is still warm, going out in the sun for some yoga time naturally reduces stress levels. While it targets strength, flexibility, and focus, it can also help you relax at the same time.


Paddleboarding sure looks good for the ‘gram, but then again, beyond what we see on pictures, paddleboarding can really be relaxing.

If you’re confident about your balancing skills, then go for this one – Globo Surf. Visit the nearest lake or ocean around your neighborhood and spend some relaxing time while of course, making sure that you stay on top of the board. It’s fun!

Don’t get intimidated if you haven’t tried it yet. It will help you get your mind off of things that stress you out.


Back pain is a notorious stress contributor especially for those who stay seated for a very long time.

If the work that you do requires you to stay at your desk for hours, then swimming can help you alleviate that pain. If you’re in for the fun, add swimming on your list of outdoor activities to do during this season.

An hour or two of swimming three to five times a week is suggested by most doctors. It can help control weight and it can even improve your mood.

Talk about floating effortlessly in the pool while getting your daily dose of vitamin D—it’s really a fun way to relax!


Would you believe that fishing can be a great way to relax?

Reeling a fish in will require power from your arms, that’s for sure, but the joy of catching even just a small fish or even a catfish is a fulfilment in itself. It will surely brighten up your mood.

Team sports

Who said you have to do fun activities all on your own? Spending some time with family and friends while stretching your muscles can be one way of releasing your stress. At least you have someone you can exchange your thoughts with while playing a round of tennis or golf.

There are a lot of games you can choose from. Whichever one you choose, it will surely give you the boost that you need.

Don’t hesitate to slow down and step out from everything that’s causing you headache and stress. Outdoor activities can help relieve whatever it is that you’re feeling, just make sure to allow time for it.

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