Menopause: What to Expect and How to Live Your Best Life

Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash

Often defined as the period of life when the menstrual cycle stops, menopause is something every woman experiences in her life, which can typically occur in her late 40s or early 50s. But even though it’s a completely natural part of life, many women still aren’t aware of the changes in their bodies that happen during menopause, as well as the symptoms caused by decreased hormonal production. To that end, here are some things you can expect during menopause, and a few tips to help you battle those issues in order live your best life:

Hot flashes

A sudden sensation of heat that commonly rises from the chest to the neck and face, hot flashes are some of the most frequent menopause side effects many women experience. Their duration can range from only a couple of seconds to several minutes, often followed by sweat or even a chilling sensation afterwards.

As hot flashes are abrupt and unpleasant sensations that can cause an uncomfortable feeling during the day or even disrupt sleep at night, many women try to avoid common triggers, such as stress, caffeine, alcohol and hot food, in an effort to reduce these occurrences. Alternatively, a water spray for the face or a small handheld fan can also be a great way of minimizing the symptoms of hot flashes.

Mood swings

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With the fluctuating hormonal levels during menopause also come sudden mood swings and unexpected emotional changes, similar to those experienced during PMS or pregnancy. Apart from smaller changes in the mood, this can also lead to more complex emotional issues, from irritability and stress to depression and anxiety.

In order to combat this problem, it might be a good idea to find the best menopause supplements in USA you can incorporate into your daily diet. As long as you opt for high quality supplements filled with vitamins, minerals, probiotics and other beneficial ingredients, you can control your mood changes more easily, and ease any other uncomfortable menopause symptoms.

Vaginal dryness

Lower levels of estrogen in your body can also cause the labia to become thinner, and the vulva and vagina to become drier, which can often lead to irritation, an itching sensation, and even pain during sexual intercourse. If you want your intimate life to be more comfortable and pleasant during menopause, there are several solutions to vaginal dryness.

You might want to consider incorporating water-based lubricants or even vaginal moisturizers into your sex life, in order to make the experience easier and more pleasant. There are also a number of topical and vaginal estrogen creams that can be applied directly to combat dryness, as well as other hormone replacement treatments that might be more efficient at solving this issue.

Urinary issues

As the urethra and the bladder weaken during menopause, it can cause a number of urinary issues you might not be aware of. You might start to experience painful or frequent urination, slight incontinence, and you could be more prone to urinary tract infections during this period.

Pelvic floor exercises are the most common solution to this problem, as they help to strengthen the muscles and reduce uncomfortable symptoms. However, if the side effects are persistent and more prominent, your doctor might also prescribe a form of hormone replacement therapy to help reduce common menopause problems.

Risk of osteoporosis

Photo by Eiliv-Sonas Aceron on Unsplash

Osteoporosis is the name given to the condition when the bones start to thin and weaken, and the overall bone mass is reduced. And while it’s completely natural to start losing bone density and mass when we reach the middle age, in women in menopause this can happen at a much quicker rate, sometimes leading to the development of osteoporosis.

Thankfully, we can easily keep our bones healthy and strong throughout our lives with a balanced and nutritious diet that includes higher levels of calcium and vitamin D, as well as regular weight-bearing and weight-lifting exercises to improve both bone and muscle strength and endurance.

Even though menopause can come with a number of symptoms and side effects, most of them can easily be managed with the right precautions. But despite the pain and discomfort, most women find this period of life to be incredibly positive and freeing, finally allowing them to live their best life.

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